The Superpowers of autism

Daughter and Mother dressed as superheroes flexing biceps and smiling at one another.

For most neurotypical people, we see autism as a disadvantage. Largely because we focus so much of our energy on the differences between neurotypical behaviours and autistic behaviours. It’s an unfortunate perspective based on the privilege of living in a world largely defined by the neurotypical community. That is why autism acceptance and understanding are so important. If we hope to change our perspective and our reality to make it more conducive to all the unique communities and ways of being in this world, including the autistic way of being, we need to educate ourselves on the different perspectives, experiences and in the case of this post, focus more on the strengths that autistic individuals possess. Everyone has their own unique strengths and weaknesses and, within our unique communities, we can share some common ones. It's no different for autistic individuals. Here are some of the unique  "superpowers" autistic people may possess courtesy of the incredible team at

1) Visual Sensitivity

Autistic individuals can see up to 3 times farther than non-autistics and are better at pattern recognition and noticing visual details.

2) Acute Hearing

Individuals with autism can possess increased auditory perceptual capacity allowing them to better detect target sounds in noisy situations as well as heightened pitch detection.

3) Giftedness

Autism has a greater correlation to rates of high intelligence, profound abilities, savant syndrome occurs in 10-28.5% of autistic individuals. (

4) Lateral Thinking

Autistics can generate creative ideas due to a strong ability to think outsize-the-box.

5) Strong Work Ethic 

Autistics can possess a heightened motivation when pursuing interests. (

Better understanding these powerful abilities and the "kryptonite" that can affect autistic individuals can guide our efforts to create a more inclusive world. Imagine the possibilities for your child, family member, friend, colleague, etc. if we can support them in unleashing their gifts rather than attempting to mould everyone to neurotypical standards. Let’s make room for people to be their unique selves. To discover and harness their inherent superpowers, to develop their strengths and better address and cope with their “kryptonite”. This is the key to a more connected powerful world with more progress and less stress.

There are so many more amazing abilities to discover. Learn about more autistic superpowers and the “kryptonite” that autistic individuals face, read the full article at Embrace-Autism.

About Embrace Autism:

Founded by fellow autistics, Dr. Natalie Engelbrecht MSc RP ND, & Martin Silvertant B.Des Embrace Autism was created to distribute research and experience-based information on autism.

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Brian Stanton, Marketing

Brian leads all marketing initiatives for Lake Ridge Community Support Services. Brian spent 17 years in the private sector working with big advertising and media agencies, fortune 500 brands and retailers on creating customer-centric marketing programs. Today his passion for mental health and helping people has led him to the field of behaviour therapy and helping families, caregivers and professionals find best-in-class services for the people they support.


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