OAP Urgent Response Service

This April the new Ontario Autism Program (OAP) Urgent Response Service became available to families in Durham Region. This program offers service to help stabilize a high-risk situation, prevent crisis, and reduce the risk of the child or youth harming themselves, others and property.

Resources for Exceptional Children and Youth - Durham Region (RFECY) is the Lead for the delivery of this service in the catchment area of Durham Region, Haliburton County, Kawartha Lakes, Peterborough County, and Northumberland County.  Lake Ridge Community Support Services is proud to be a partner organization in the delivery of the Urgent Response Service offering direct support to the family and/or relevant professionals to implement behaviour intervention and therapy techniques.

To be eligible for URS, children must be registered in the Ontario Autism Program (OAP) and experiencing one or more high-risk factors:

  • aggression

  • property destruction

  • violent thinking

  • fire setting

  • harm to animals

  • risk of exploitation

  • self-injurious behaviour

  • suicidal thoughts or behaviour

  • inappropriate sexual behaviour

  • flight risk

Children and youth and their families referred to URS will participate in an intake process with the Lead agency.   Those eligible for URS will have a URS Service Plan that details the services to be offered by LRCSS and other URS service partners.  

If this is an emergency or someone is in immediate danger or thinking of suicide – call 911 or go to your nearest hospital. If you or someone you know is in crisis, call a crisis helpline.

OAP urgent response services do not:

  • provide 24/7 support

  • replace emergency or crisis supports

In order to access Urgent Response Service families can contact Resources for Exceptional Children and Youth - Durham Region (RFECY) or  can  be referred to RFECY by an OAP care coordinator, a clinician providing your child's core services or other relevant professionals supporting your child.

Resources for Exceptional Children and Youth – Durham

Local areas served: Durham Region, Haliburton County,  Kawartha Lakes, Peterborough County, and County of Northumberland More information:

  • info@rfecydurham.com

  • Tel: 905-427-8862 ext. 426 for the voicemail for Urgent Response Service

  • Toll-free: 1-800-968-0066 ext. 426 for the voicemail for Urgent Response Service

  • www.rfecydurham.com

Access more information on the program at ontario.ca/page/ontario-autism-program-urgent-response-services.

Brian Stanton, Marketing

Brian leads all marketing initiatives for Lake Ridge Community Support Services. Brian spent 17 years in the private sector working with big advertising and media agencies, fortune 500 brands and retailers on creating customer-centric marketing programs. Today his passion for mental health and helping people has led him to the field of behaviour therapy and helping families, caregivers and professionals find best-in-class services for the people they support.


What can you do to support your child's mental health?


OAP updates families on the new Independent Intake Organization: AccessOAP