What is Sensory Sensitive Santa & where can I find one in Durham?
Sensory Santa, sometimes referred to as “Silent Santa” is an opportunity for children with autism and/or sensory processing disorder to visit Santa in a quiet and welcoming, sensory-friendly environment.
4 Sensory Activities for Autistic Children to Celebrate Canada Day
All the sights, sounds and commotion of Canada Day can be overwhelming to children on the spectrum, especially if they have sensory concerns. Try these 4 easy activities to give them a wonderfully enjoyable Canada Day experience.
What is Sensory Sensitive Santa?
Sensory Santa, sometimes referred to as “Silent Santa” is an opportunity for children with autism and/or sensory processing disorder to visit Santa in a quiet and welcoming, sensory-friendly environment.
10 Tips for a Sensory Sensitive Halloween
Top 10 Tips for a Sensory Sensitive Halloween: A guide to Trick-or-Treating with someone on the Autism Spectrum