COVID-19 Update and Client, Parent & Caregiver Letter

August 14, 2020 - To date, our first phase of reopening for return to in-person service at our Lake Ridge locations has been going well.  The protective measures and screening protocols are keeping our clients and teams safe.   

As of August 12, 2020, all of Ontario moved into phase three of the provincial reopening plan.  Part of this third phase included an increase in the number of people who can gather indoors (50 people) while still maintaining a 6-foot physical distance.  The Ministry of Education has also announced its plan for September for educating students in elementary and secondary schools as well as, the full re-opening of daycare facilities.

At Lake Ridge Community Support Services, we are continuing to monitor the situation across the province and within our community and Agency.  We are still currently in the first stage of our re-opening and are now working on plans for our next stage.  As we finalize our plans, we will communicate the updates to all clients, caregivers and guests.   

Please note that in order to provide our services, we must have a sufficient supply of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and hand sanitizer.  Should our supply for any of these required items not be available we will need to cancel service.

We appreciate your continued patience and understanding during this unpredictable and uncertain time.  We know the fall and winter will continue to see changes with COVID-19.  We are continuing to be flexible and nimble with all our clients, caregivers and guests in responding to the continuously changing environment to keep everyone safe.  

Looking forward to working with you and your family in the future.


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